Thursday, December 22, 2011

Adoption / Fostering

Watching the news there's a lot on about fostering and shortages and the amount of children in care. This morning Iv seen something im torn about, that government will tear away some of the red tape and make adoption easier. It's good to think that more children will get family's but if they stop being as picky are children goin to be put into safe homes are they going to be put at risk?...

And just wanna wish a merry Christmas to everyone xxxxx

Monday, December 5, 2011

Blogging on my phone!

Woo got an app for that! Can blog all time now :)

Defending gay marriage!

Found this really interesting and hes an inspiration, im sure his mothers are proud!

Racism infront of you...

I really felt quite angry this morning... enough to ring my dad and tell him how discusted i am to related to a particular family member of ours and he completly agreed and said hes had several rows with this person.

This morning i had a very headed conversation on the internet with my family member who is going to be moving over, i seen alot of things on his fb i dont agree with so as he told me this i think he may of been expecting a nice reply of something along the lines of so happy to hear that cant wait to see you. Instead from me he got 'england doesnt want you if your going to bring them edl views with you'.
He got a bit denfensive when i told him i felt he was racist and posted things i dont agree with and went on a rant of i have mexican freinds and muslim freinds...etc
and gave the usual babble about how this country is, i told him you dont study anything you dont learn about how many people are here and we only let a small amount of people from other countrys in compared to some others and he hasnt got a clue how it is over here.
He to my digust replied with 'the only different there to here is we have mexicans and you have filthy muslims'
...i said straight away that comment straight away proved my point and ur have no repect for your own freinds you have said are muslims.

And that was my rant over!