Childhood and Gender, iv been looking at an article about a little boy who from the age of 8 was living as a little girl at home, and at 9 started school as a school.
Born In The Wrong Body - Accessed 3.11.11
Born In The Wrong Body - Accessed 3.11.11
Along with this article is a clip of the mother speaking and talking about how they tried to keep there child as a boy and took away the choice of female stuff//toys. And how she heard there child upset and ashamed when the child couldnt control what was happening and when they gave into girls toys she was a much happier child. As a child of 8 new what was happening was different and not 'normal'.
As a female the changes mentioned are shes bouncy and smiles, a much happier life as the person she wants.
When listening to the 16, she even sounds female has a life, the freinds and a bf and is comfortable as the person they are.
When listening to the 16, she even sounds female has a life, the freinds and a bf and is comfortable as the person they are.
Parents chose to let the child make there own choice and unlike an article i previously blogged Gender Neutrality on the boy who had mistake in surgary, the choice was made by the parents and eventually returned to his biologal gender as he was unhappy. Gender being changed from looking at these needs to be something in the child that they feel needs to be done, not just done for convience.
Gender, some articles on girls and boys being compared.
oh i wish you brought these up in class when i ask for any reading they are dead on!