Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Mexico at first glance!

So I have chosen to do some work on the country Mexico!

Looking at what is going on in the country:

Mexico has the second-largest economy in Latin America and is a major oil producer and exporter.

Rural areas are often neglected and huge shanty towns ring the cities.

The Mexican economy is heavily dependent on the money sent home by the millions of migrant workers in the US.

Mexico has one of the highest rates of kidnapping.

Since 2006 35,000 people have died from drug related violence.

Powerful cartels control the trafficking of drugs from South America to the US, a business that is worth an estimated $13bn (£9bn) a year.


Mexico in the news...

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Children and Crime: childhood of serial killers

So im a little bit into anything crime!!

Because of this curiosty got me thinking...
so some of the stuff we have talked about and studied have mentioned attachent and a child needing appropriate attachment to thrive...

And because we already started on crime on mondays it got me thinking that known criminals like serial killers..what is the background of there childhood? did the lack of attachment make them unbalanced and cause them to become the person they are? and are there links to attachment? and does what they see as they grow up acceptable to them?

Ted Bundy: was born to an unwed mother and grew up beleiving his mother was actually his older sister, and his grandparents were his parents. Gf ended there relationship, who he is obsessed with and murders females who resemble her. Grew up with his grandfather beating grandmother. Bundy claimed he was molested by a male relative.

Ed Gein: him and his brother had a controlling mother and alcholic father. Father and brother died leaving him with his mother, she was a strict teacher telling them sex and woman were evil. Giving him the curiosty to experiement on female bodies.

Nannie Doss: father beat the whole family, father didnt allow any children to socialise with boys, keeping them isolated. Serial killer of men, as well as her sisters, mother, nephew and grandson.

Charles Manson: born to a criminal alcholic mother. Mother sent to prison and bought up by family with grandmothers fanatical religious standards, which was the reason his mother left (and turned to be a criminal herself) mother wasnt loving or affecinate. Sent to a school he claimed he was raped.
Got people who were emotional disturbed by parents to join him on a killing spree.

David Berkowitz (son of sam): adopted and felt rejected by parents.

Albert fish: family had history of mental illness, parents abandoned him. Exposed to sadistic brutality. reinacted some of this and worse on children.

John Wayne Gacy: had a abusive alcholic father who also tormented him with emotional abuse.

Carl Panzram: His parents were slaves and was seriously abused by there owners. They were described as chores but it was other acts. He has to do this as his mother didnt want to work so someone had to. Later sent to reform school after burlary at a neighbours house. Suffered torture here, when released was all alone and raped by 4 homeless men.

All these serial killers had upbringings that were traumatic. And some said it was the reasons they killed, focusing on family members particulary parents. If as children they had proper attachment and what we have said are the well being 'ingredients' would this of still happened?

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Back to blog...current...

So some bits on our current sessions really, been reading up some peices!

So crime within fruit picking:

Health and weight:




Hope some of this is useful :)


Friday, March 2, 2012


Childrens Workforce Development Council:

- So they say they are commited to keeping children safe
- They want britain to be best place for childen to grow up

They go by this which is the term for safeguarding...

 "The process of protecting children from abuse or neglect, preventing impairment of their health and development, and ensuring they are growing up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care that enables children to have optimum life chances and enter adulthood successfully."(Source: Working together to safeguard children, 2006)

Doing there part they have help on recruiting safely and register for safer recruitment training.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Baby P

Reading other blogs...

' I also thought I'd never say this but I actually agreed with David Cameron- social services receive £100million a year and yet there are still children dying. Authorities are failing these children and unfortunately it is normally social services that receive the blame, however is it just social services or is it multi agency neglection that is the cause. ' (off beths blog)

completly agree with everything beth posted about baby p and social services, also the lack of social workers because of the difficulty of the job is more than money and budgets you cant force someone to do the job...need more people to want to do the job as well as working together to avoid these things happening.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

If its not big news..

If something isnt in the news as a big story with lots of media coverage its quite likely you wont know its happened.

We heard about baby P
We heard about victoria
                                        ...Both big in the media

I saw another story on the news of a man convicted in last few days of a babys murder in leicester so i when to look for more about it on bbc news website couldnt see it on screen so did a search for baby death.
What i came across...

In cambridge 2006 seven week old baby killed by father found with broken bones and bites to face. (convicted in 2009)

In Deven 2010 ten month old baby died. Mother and father currently being investigated.

In Scotland 2010 1 day old baby killed by mother. Convicted 2012

In Bolton 2012 6 week old baby died. Mother and father currently being investigated.

In County Durham 2011 thirteen month old died. Mother being charged with neglect and allowing childs death.

In Burnley 2011 four month old baby died. Man and woman being investigated for neglect.

In Blackburn 2009 seven month old baby died. Mother and father convicted 2011

In Worcestershire 2009 five and half month old baby died. Father being charged with shaking the baby to death.

In Lancaster 2011 four month old baby died. Man and woman awaiting trial.

In London 2010 six month old baby died. Woman convicted of neglect and allowing death 2011

In Leicester 2011 seven month old baby died. Mother charged with death awaiting trial.

In Abergavenny 2010 eleven month old baby died. Mother admits stabbing baby. Convicted to be held in hospital for life. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-14591902 (video)

This was only a few pages in from the search...there so many more. Also this wasnt counting all the deaths coming up that are still being looked into to find cause of death or to find parents of dead babies found.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Just Pointing The Blame Again..?

Mp David lammy says smacking children could of prevented riots and feels the smacking ban should be undone.

Now to me its not as simple as that there was alot of things going on and there is alot of issues on going on in britain. You cant blame something like the riots on adults not smacking children...im sure some of the children were and there was adult involved in the riots...i wondered how many of them were smacked as children?


Article ritten by Tom Parry...
"I have to say when this was first raised with me I was pretty disparaging. But I started to listen. These parents are scared to smack their children and paranoid that social workers will get involved and take their children away."
I would say from this it isnt a smacking things its general disapline, if parents are scared to inforce any disicpline the result probly would be children running riot, theres no fear...no punishment, if there isnt consequences for your actions then why not just do what ever you want...

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Safeguarding children

The Government has defined the term ‘safeguarding children’ as:
The process of protecting children from abuse or neglect, preventing impairment of their health and development, and ensuring they are growing up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care that enables children to have optimum life chances and enter adulthood successfully.

According to NSPCC
53 children a day are abused.
1 in 10 adults has been severely neglected as a child.
Disabled children or children with learning disabilities are 20% more likely 'than average' to run away.
As many as 1 in 9 mothers have shaken their baby and 2 in 9 have felt like shaking their baby.

An article i read into...

'Emma was 14 when she met her first 'boyfriend'. He – in his 30s – bought her presents, picked her up in his car, told her he loved her.
But he soon changed. He became violent and before long was forcing her to have sex with his friends. Then, like a toy, Emma was passed on, shipped around the country and raped by countless men. "I got taken to flats. I don't know where they were and men would be brought to me," she said. "I was never given any names and I don't remember their faces."
Emma's story is one of unimaginable horror, but according to children's charity Barnardo's there are many more victims like her, and numbers are growing. "Barnardo's knows that sexual exploitation is going on in every town and city in the UK," said chief executive Ann Marie Carrie. "Child victims continue to go unidentified as tell-tale signs are overlooked from the front line of children's services to the corridors of Whitehall.'

Link with some pretty horrific storys of abuse/torture to children: