Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Children and Crime: childhood of serial killers

So im a little bit into anything crime!!

Because of this curiosty got me thinking...
so some of the stuff we have talked about and studied have mentioned attachent and a child needing appropriate attachment to thrive...

And because we already started on crime on mondays it got me thinking that known criminals like serial killers..what is the background of there childhood? did the lack of attachment make them unbalanced and cause them to become the person they are? and are there links to attachment? and does what they see as they grow up acceptable to them?

Ted Bundy: was born to an unwed mother and grew up beleiving his mother was actually his older sister, and his grandparents were his parents. Gf ended there relationship, who he is obsessed with and murders females who resemble her. Grew up with his grandfather beating grandmother. Bundy claimed he was molested by a male relative.

Ed Gein: him and his brother had a controlling mother and alcholic father. Father and brother died leaving him with his mother, she was a strict teacher telling them sex and woman were evil. Giving him the curiosty to experiement on female bodies.

Nannie Doss: father beat the whole family, father didnt allow any children to socialise with boys, keeping them isolated. Serial killer of men, as well as her sisters, mother, nephew and grandson.

Charles Manson: born to a criminal alcholic mother. Mother sent to prison and bought up by family with grandmothers fanatical religious standards, which was the reason his mother left (and turned to be a criminal herself) mother wasnt loving or affecinate. Sent to a school he claimed he was raped.
Got people who were emotional disturbed by parents to join him on a killing spree.

David Berkowitz (son of sam): adopted and felt rejected by parents.

Albert fish: family had history of mental illness, parents abandoned him. Exposed to sadistic brutality. reinacted some of this and worse on children.

John Wayne Gacy: had a abusive alcholic father who also tormented him with emotional abuse.

Carl Panzram: His parents were slaves and was seriously abused by there owners. They were described as chores but it was other acts. He has to do this as his mother didnt want to work so someone had to. Later sent to reform school after burlary at a neighbours house. Suffered torture here, when released was all alone and raped by 4 homeless men.

All these serial killers had upbringings that were traumatic. And some said it was the reasons they killed, focusing on family members particulary parents. If as children they had proper attachment and what we have said are the well being 'ingredients' would this of still happened?

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