Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Baby P

Reading other blogs...

' I also thought I'd never say this but I actually agreed with David Cameron- social services receive £100million a year and yet there are still children dying. Authorities are failing these children and unfortunately it is normally social services that receive the blame, however is it just social services or is it multi agency neglection that is the cause. ' (off beths blog)

completly agree with everything beth posted about baby p and social services, also the lack of social workers because of the difficulty of the job is more than money and budgets you cant force someone to do the job...need more people to want to do the job as well as working together to avoid these things happening.


  1. This is an interesting comment and a good use of something someone else has posted. for your exam you will have to sit bothy sides of the fence and perhaps back Cameron with an alternative voice from worklers. Thanks great blog x x

  2. 100 million is that for the whole UK?
    With a population of 65 million that only gives less than 2 pounds per person per year! You cant get a lot for 2 pounds. After doing some digging within social services I found out that it can cost between 500 and 2000 pounds a week to keep a child in foster care.
    In December 2011 in England alone there were 65520 children in care, even if the whole 100million pound budget was spend on these children it would only give them 1500pounds a year, however that amount of money would only actually look after the child for around a month!
    Foster care is only one area of social services there is so many other areas that the money is spent so although 100 million pounds sounds like a considerable amount of money really its pennies to the people that actually need it so its no wonder that children die...Shall I tell Cameron?!xx
